Bessma Momani

Bessma Momani profile picture.

Areas of specialization

  • International financial institutions,
  • Middle East Politics and Economics,
  • International Affairs,
  • Diversity and Populism


Dr. Bessma Momani is Professor of Political Science at the University of Waterloo.

She is also a Senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance and Innovation (CIGI), and a Non-Resident Fellow at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, D.C. She was a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at both the Brookings Institution and Stimson Center in Washington, D.C., a consultant to the International Monetary Fund, and formerly a visiting scholar at Georgetown University's Mortara Center. She is also a Fulbright Scholar. Dr. Momani currently sits on the National Security Transparency Advisory Group (NS-TAG) to advise the Deputy Minister of Public Safety Canada and other Government officials on improving transparency to Canada's national security and intelligence departments and agencies.

She has authored and co-edited ten books and over 80 scholarly, peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters that have examined international affairs, diversity and inclusion, Middle East affairs, and the global economy.  She is recipient of a number of research grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), International Development Research Council, and the Department of National Defence. Dr. Momani is a regular contributor to national and international media on global security and economic policy issues. She has written editorials for the New York Times, The Economist, The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star, Newsweek, and Time Magazine.

Latest book publications:

Strengthening the Canadian Armed Forces through Diversity and Inclusion

What's wrong with the IMF and how to fix it

Arab Dawn: Arab Youth and the Demographic Dividend they will Bring

Links and additional information

For a full list of publications please see Dr. Momani's personal website or download a copy of her Curriculum vitae (pdf).

Contact information

Bessma Momani